Apr 21, 2020Liked by Life is Love School

I've been with an addict the past 4 years who I've never heard even raise his voice. But he put his hands on me, choking me. He got 8 months in jail. He hasn't been clean in 15+ years so I'm giving him clean slate provided he/we attends NA regularly along with his own counseling & couples counseling. I've been seeing a counselor 16 months. He gets out 6/20. I'm scared but excited because he's truly a wonderful person who I love dearly. He's shown me great things so I know he wants to change. I'll share this article with him. Thank you for an excellent post. I've subscribed

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Truth, and I learned.

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You are truly a wonderful soul. I was led to your writing today after a whole month of internet searches and blog readings. Thank you. Your experiences and thoughts have really hit hard in the kindest way. My husband was unfaithful with his ex six years ago. But I just found out because he never wanted me to know. He “regretted it so badly and didn’t want to lose me”. Wow did that change everything. It’s been almost 4 weeks of the sick head pounding not eating type thing. I am thankful for the reduced work schedule, I would t be able to concentrate full time. God knows what he’s doing. Any insight on this topic is so appreciated

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Wonderful article. I am in a relationship where action speak louder than words. The actions scream at me that there is no love there. Unfortunately, I am completely isolated with no close support system. Unfortunately, I have two children that are not being prioritized yet are held over my head not to leave. I can only leave without them. And you are absolutely right. My relationship started on betrayal and is ending the same way. There were so many red flags but I chose to ignore them. I conceived two beautiful children into this horrible situation.

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This hit home hard. The ex came from a dysfunctional environment and his mother is an undiagnosed narcissist bordering on sociopath. I spent almost 30 years with this man. Did his emotional and often physical labor and put up with his horrible racist family and his insistence that they would someday get their collective heads out of their asses and see “the real me” and like me.

It just got progressively worse as time went on. He said and did things I never would have imagined. I finally got a bit of money together and ran away. Just like I did when I was a kid running from sexual trafficking, my purchaser/abuser, foster homes that were cruel at best, abusive and rapey at worst...it’s true. The relationship began or rather the trauma bonds strengthened when I was 15/16. And only drew closer as a noose would as time went on.

It hurts to read, because it’s true.

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Thank you so much.. I just left from an abusive relationship with my ex after I realized that he is a narcissist husband! It was painful but after reading this article made me realized that I did what is right!!

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Wow. I have some self reflecting to do..😔 very wonderfully written article...

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